Help with Your Business Challenges – M4G

Let’s say your small businesses biggest problem is finding new leads.  Or understanding how to scale with less risk.  Or you need advice around your digital marketing plan.  Whatever. 

Many SME owners and operators are so absorbed working ‘in’ their business, they unconsciously neglect working ‘on’ their business.  Seeking quality help and advice from business professionals is often put in the ‘too-hard’ basket for small businesses.

A couple of years ago I was introduced to the Mentoring for Growth (M4G) program, managed by the Department of Small Business.  Through this program, Queensland small businesses can receive free advice and recommendations from highly experienced and successful business professionals from the private sector. 

To reiterate, this costs small businesses nothing. 

Now there’s a school of thought that if something costs nothing, then the perceived value is negligible at best.  Being honest, I’m always a bit wary of stuff offered for free.  However, I’ve seen how M4G has helped so many small businesses grow over the last 20 years that it’s been running.

So, a final two messages from me:

1)     To the M4G mentors – you all rock! You run successful businesses yourselves, yet still find the time to sit down with small business owners and operators and help them solve their business problems.  This is so valuable and worthwhile, and I reckon you should all receive more recognition for giving back and supporting our small business community.  Thanks so much!

2)     To any small businesses looking to grow: Take a few minutes to complete the M4G application.  It won’t take you long, but the benefits you can receive from participating in the M4G program can really change your business for the better.

So, if you’re interested in registering for M4G, here’s the link.

Until next time.


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