Myth 3: It’s all ‘jobs for the boys’

Myth 3 preventing many small businesses from bidding for Government contracts:

“Ahhh, it’s all ‘jobs for the boys”. Government already knows who they want, and they make sure they get them”.

Well, back in the wild 1980s you could absolutely, and with confidence, argue that this particular myth was in fact reality. However, this is no longer the case, and hasn’t been for a long time. Government probity, governance, and policy exists to ensure that when Government awards contracts, they go to the business who best meets the buying criteria and can capably deliver the product or service required.

However, many small businesses today still shy away from bidding for Government business because they believe that Government already has a preferred supplier in mind before they go to market, thus making it almost impossible for an ‘outsider’ to win the business.

Again, we go back to this old chestnut: ‘Perception is reality’.

So long as small business owners believe that Government contracts are largely awarded to their ‘favourite’ or Big Business suppliers, then they’ll continue to miss out on the $6 billion opportunity – as of July 1, 30% of all Government spend must come from the SMB sector.

BUT! And yep, there’s always a but… You mustn’t believe that just because Government must spend $6 billion dollars every year with SMBs, that one day they’ll come knocking on your door and hand you a nice juicy and profitable contract.

They won’t.

There’s 474,000 small businesses in Queensland alone. Chances of them finding you?

For Government to find you, their Decision Makers need to be aware that you actually exist. They need to know what problem you solve. They need to understand what value your product or service brings to the table. But they don’t want to be sold and given the hard pitch!

Until Government has some understanding of what you do and how you do it, your chances of winning that life-changing Government contract is so close to zero, it might as well be zero.

Many small businesses who have read this far, will likely still be shaking their heads and wondering how the heck they can let Government know that they exist and have a real desire to supply Government.

That’s why Gov Ready exists.


MYTH 4: Government Chooses the Cheapest Suppliers


Myth 2: Government will never need our product or service