Big Win for Small Business!
I’d love you all to help me celebrate the finalists and winners of the Lord Mayor’s Business Excellence awards!
This year I had the honour of attending the awards ceremony as the guest of one of our Gov Ready clients who was also a finalist in my favourite award’s category. The Brand Builders, led by Vickie Saunders and Charlotte Woods, were vying for the title alongside three other amazing Brisbane businesses, Kiddo, Styling Station Australia, and Vast Yonder.
The event itself was amazing, with City Hall dressed up and looking stunning - like something out of a fairy tale – with over 600 people celebrating the successes of some amazing Brisbane businesses.
Honestly, I’m not sure how Vickie and Charlotte handled it – I was so nervous for them, I couldn’t imagine how they must’ve been feeling!
When the winner was eventually announced, I can’t help but admit to some strong feelings of disappointment. While The Brand Builders didn’t take away the top prize, it’s still an amazing achievement just to make the finals.
And of course, massive congratulations to Rebecca Dredge, Founder of Kiddo! Your acceptance speech was inspiring, and you were such a gracious winner. I’m looking forward to watching Kiddo grow from strength to strength over the coming years.
And to every small business owner who has read this far – you love your business, right? You’re proud of what you’ve built. You’re supporting your local community in so many ways.
Consider this: almost every council has their own annual business awards. So be proud and nominate your business!
- Tom